Hello Bastien,

We can use travis-ci for automated tests, I just run tests for org-mode¹ on 
with emacs-snapshot. Magit has been setup recently to run tests for multiple
emacs versions² (emacs23, emacs24 and snapshot). travis has a facility to send
mails if a test fails. 

I see you have org-mode repo on your github account, all we need to do put a
post recieve hook to mirror org-mode repo to github.

we can adopt magit script³ to org-mode as it won't be synced to emacs

what do you think?


¹  https://travis-ci.org/yyr/org-mode/builds/5692183
²  https://travis-ci.org/magit/magit
³  https://github.com/magit/magit/blob/master/.travis.yml

ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు.

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