Aloha all,

John Hendy <> writes:
>> Hi Eric,
>> thanks a lot BTW for all you've done.
>> What about to have a list editable for all interested
>> w/ comments to all header args in alphabetical order?
>> Might participate and write it down the way it's understood.
>> You and others may correct it on the fly.
>> Maybe someone starts a in Worg?
> I'm happy to help with this. Will take me a bit to get to (~1wk), but
> could definitely help. I'm really trying to help more with Worg as my
> return for all the code and support others write. One problem with
> this, though, is that some of these are language specific. I ran into
> this before:
> -
> So... this table might be more complicated than you realize, unless
> you're only talking about system-wide arguments.

Another way to approach this would be two-pronged: 1) patch the Org manual
where appropriate, and 2) augment (or draft) the language-specific guides on
Worg. Most of the language guides are stubs waiting for detailed content
from users.  There are still many languages without a guide (see  The template
for language guides
has a section for header arguments, so there is a structure in place.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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