On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:10:10AM +0000, Toby Cubitt wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 10:29:06PM +0100, Bastien wrote:
> > > 2. Column view mode is completely broken for me. In old org files where
> > >    column view used to work fine, I now just get grey boxes obscuring the
> > >    headings, and nothing in the columns. I've attached a minimal example
> > >    file, and a screenshot.
> > 
> > I can't reproduce this one.  Can you reproduce it with emacs -Q?
> Hmmm... I can't reproduce it from emacs -Q. Sorry, I should of course
> have checked this first before posting. Must be something in my
> config. I'll investigate and try to narrow down what exactly is causing
> it.

This one's weird. It seems to be caused by an interaction between
flyspell and org. I can reproduce it with the following minimal recipe
(using the column-view.org file from my previous post, though enabling
column view mode in any org file should reproduce the problem):

1. Create a .emacs with the following contents:

   (add-to-list "~/path/to/org-mode/lisp/")
   (require 'flyspell)
   (require 'org)

2. emacs --daemon

3. emacsclient -c column-view.org 

4. C-c C-x C-c

Reversing the order in which flyspell and org are loaded fixes the

I'm running a recent bzr version of Emacs, and a recent git version of
Org mode.

Dr T. S. Cubitt
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

email: ts...@cantab.net
web:   www.dr-qubit.org

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