Dear list,

for a creating navigation bars (e. g. in  I used
to include the respective information e.g. with


and bound in org-html-preamble with:

#+BIND: org-html-preamble "<ul id=\"Navigation\"><li><img 
src=\"img/Aufgescheuchtes-Huhn.png\" width=\"160\" alt=\"image\"/></li><li><a 
href=\"index.html\">Startseite</a></li><li><hr /></li><li><a 
href=\"members.html\">Hof und Lebewesen</a></li><li><a 
href=\"recipies.html\">Rezepte</a></li><li><a href=\"directions.html\">Lage und 
Anfahrt</a></li><li><a href=\"history.html\">Historie</a></li><li><a 
href=\"impressum.html\">Impressum / Kontakt</a></li><li><hr /></li><li><a 
href=\"hewi/index.html\" target=\"_blank\">HeWi Galerie</a></li><li><hr 
/></li><li><a href=\"dancing/index.html\" 

Now in 8.0-pre this mechanism is not working (nothing is included in the
html export files).  Could you please tell me if this is a bug or what I
have missed or - even better - suggest a better/more general way of
including navigation information in html exports.

Thank you & 
Best wishes

H. Dieter Wilhelm

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