Am 29.03.2013 16:09, schrieb Eric Schulte:
with current

GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.14) of 2013-03-05

Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef @

python from org-source seems completely broken.

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC python

: None

Weird. With all the testing we did last week, I'm surprised that this is
the case with me as well. I'm also getting no results with Org 8.0-pre and
Emacs 24.3.1.

Because of quirks of the python language,

or rather the quirks of org-babel? ;)

 when executing outside of a
session, it is necessary to explicitly specify a return.

For example.

     #+begin_src python
       return 1+2

     : 3


     #+begin_src python :return x
       x = 1+2

     : 3

This is clearly stated in the Python documentation on Worg.


IMO org-babel should be able to run source code as is.
If an org-mode specific modification is required at such a trivial form, what 
to expect wrt complex environments?

BTW this fails also:

#+begin_src python
print "Hello, world!"
#+end_src python

: None

Can't see a consistent behavior so far.

Why not follow the path given, which avoids the artistics?


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