On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 06:01:21PM -0600, Eric Schulte wrote:
> > Yes and no. :colnames works, but often the header comes from the
> > processing, so they may not be static (I use a lot of call:s). Also,
> > I've been having trouble using the output from raw results as input --
> > it seems that unless the results are cached (:cache yes), the table is
> > not parsed on input, but passed as a multiline string. I was hoping to
> > avoid this problem using value returns (now that  Achim has made the
> > perl parsing work better). Here's an example (btw, this breaks in 7.4
> > as well):
> >
> Alright, I've just pushed up changes so that org and wrap results will
> expand tables (not just raw).  With this change in place you can now use
> ":results wrap" to get the results you want, and since they are
> delimited, you can then re-use these results in later code blocks.

Better for the elisp. But perl table processing is now totally wacky:

*Note* =wrap= and =raw= give same results
#+begin_src perl :results raw

|   | c1 | c2 |
|   | -  |    |
|   | a  |  1 |
|   | b  |  2 |

#+begin_src perl :results raw

| c1 | c2 |
| -  |    |
| a  |  1 |
| b  |  2 |

#+begin_src perl :results raw output
  print q[|c1|c2|

| c1 | c2 |
| a  |  1 |
| b  |  2 |

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