Bastien <> writes:

> Hi Bernt,
> Bernt Hansen <> writes:
>> My workaround for the adding items to the ends is to remark the subtree
>> restriction.  I have added speed keys P, F, W, and N in my setup for
>> narrow to project, narrow to file, widen, and narrow to subtree
>> respectively.
> Note that you can narrow to subtree with the `s' speed key already.
> 2 cts -- and thanks for upgrading!  Your feedback is most welcome
> and awaited :)

I've already remapped 's' to save all org buffers and I want the same
key in both the agenda and org file so N works for me :)


I've noticed some differences since upgrading for creating headlines but
I haven't checked if this is due to my local setup yet.

Here is what I'm currently experiencing:

I used to be able to just have a bunch of lines likes this

| one
| two
| three
| four

and M-S-RET in the first column would create a TODO headline with this
as the heading


| * TODO one
| two
| three
| four

but now it seems to jump past the line before creating the heading.

| one
| * TODO
| two
| three
| four

I have a heading hook that runs and inserts a timestamp when headings
are created so using this as a workaround and converting this to a list
with C-u C-c - and then to headings with C-c * doesn't give me the
result I want (inactive timestamps on all headings that were created)

I haven't tried this with a minimal emacs setup yet.


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