* Christian Moe <m...@christianmoe.com> wrote:
> Hi,


> I cannot replicate Karl's problem. I copied the code examples, and got
> the right results on Org 8.0-pre (pulled this morning).
> I did have to make one change -- Babel wouldn't recognize the variables
> until I passed them with :var rather than in parens after the codeblock
> name. (I saw there was some discussion on dropping the latter syntax;
> whoa -- has it already happened?) 

I can confirm that using the :var syntax, it is working properly:

    #+NAME: epoch2day
    #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :var epoch=1262675465119
    time = epoch
    import datetime
    strtime = str(time)
    datetimestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(strtime[:10]))
    print datetimestamp.strftime('[%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S]')
    #+RESULTS: epoch2day
    : [2010-01-05 Tue 07:11:05]
    |         epoch | day                       |
    | 1262675465119 | [2010-01-05 Tue 07:11:05] |
    |        123456 | [1970-01-02 Fri 10:17:36] |
    |      99998754 | [1973-03-03 Sat 09:25:54] |
    #+TBLFM: $2='(sbe epoch2day (epoch $1))

... works (and enriches my Org-mode capabilities enourmously! :-).

    #+name: add1
    #+begin_src python  :results silent :var x=1
    return x + 1
    #+RESULTS: add1
    : 2
    | foo | bar | 3 | 4 |
    #+TBLFM: @1$4='(sbe add1 (x $3))

... does work as well.

Thanks for pointing me to the change of syntax.

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