Hi Orgers,

I came a cross a curious problem.  When I try to capture with the
following template:

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("m" "Meeting notes" entry (file+datetree "~/tmp/tests/target.org")
         "**** %^{prompt} %U\n%?")

Capture gets confused and cannot find the real date-tree if there are
nearby trees with headlines like this:

  ** 2013 June - Event 2
  ** 2013 March - Event 1

You can replicate this by using the file target_before.org (attached) as
a capture target.  I expect the captured entry to go under

  * 2013
  ** 2013-04 April
  *** 2013-04-15 Monday

Instead it goes under "Topical lectures" as shown by target_after.org

Is this a bug, or am I making a mistake?  Any ideas?


Open source is the future. It sets us free.
* Topical lectures
** 2013 June - Dark Matter
   <2013-06-10 Mon>--<2013-06-12 Wed>
** 2013 March - Accelerators
   <2013-03-20 Wed>--<2013-03-22 Fri>

* 2013
** 2013-04 April
*** 2013-04-12 Friday
**** Some meeting notes [2013-04-12 Fri 14:37]
Stuff ... and more stuff.
* Topical lectures
** 2013 June - Dark Matter
   <2013-06-10 Mon>--<2013-06-12 Wed>
** 2013-04 April
*** 2013-04-15 Monday
**** Testing meeting notes [2013-04-15 Mon 00:53]
Really important notes!
** 2013 March - Accelerators
   <2013-03-20 Wed>--<2013-03-22 Fri>

* 2013
** 2013-04 April
*** 2013-04-12 Friday
**** Some meeting notes [2013-04-12 Fri 14:37]
Stuff ... and more stuff.

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