zeltak <zeltak <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Charles and Carsten
> sorry for the belated repsonse but i have been tied up at work with other
> So going back to the original question, i have used your example code
Charles and modified it to work on my linux box, though i have zero lisp (or
any other programming) knowledge so im not sure its correct:

[snip code]

If it captures a screenshot in a file and puts a link in your org file,
then it is correct.

> there are still some question i have. the little function seems to work
and i do get an inline image inside org bit it seems to me it only work on
the current window/workspace, is that correct? how can i modify it catch a
screenshot from a web browser, PDF, other workspace etc?

This depends on how you navigate your window system, I think.

On Mac OS X Clover-Tab lets me move between open applications without
touching the mouse. When I get to the image I want to capture, I use
the mouse to get the screenshot.

IIRC, on KDE (linux) alt-tab cycles through open applications. I use this
to select text from a terminal window and paste it into emacs (under X11).

If you need the mouse to get to the view you want to capture, I think you
will need some help from outside emacs. You need an application that lets
you navigate a bit to get to the screen you need before setting off the
screenshot. Maybe you can create a shell script that will allow you to 
navigate first, then capture the screenshot before exiting. I do not
know of a way to do this purely within emacs. If you know how to put
that script together, then call the script rather than 'scrot'.

> -also can one insert a delete mechanism for files deleted from the inline
buffer (with a confirmation ofc). the reason i ask is because alot of the
times the first 'take' isnt correct and that leaves alot of junk in these
folders that are hard to trace manually

In principal, you could put a confirmation query in the function, then 
unlink the file if you do not confirm it.

But if elisp is a hurdle, a keyboard macro could do the trick. Figure out 
the keystrokes to navigate to the newest image file, then delete it, then
get back to org. Then capture those keystrokes in a macro, save it, and 
you are good to go. See



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