On 21.4.2013, at 11:08, Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> wrote:

> I could have sworn I've done this successfully before, but...
> I need a special sequence of TODO keywords for one file -- actually just
> one headline in particular. I thought I remembered this used to be
> possible, but it doesn't seem to be anymore.
> Setting #+SEQ_TODO: FOO | BAR at the top of the file actually
> overwrites the existing value of `org-todo-keywords' for that file. In
> this case I'd like to either:
> 1. Create this sequence for a single subtree (it's okay if it clobbers
> the global value of `org-todo-keywords', so long as it's *only* for this
> subtree), or

This is currently not possible.

> 2. Set the new sequence at the top of the file, but merge this sequence
> with the global value of `org-todo-keywords'.

And neither is this.

But you do have the options Richard mentions in his post.


- Carsten

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