2013-04-22 18:04 John Hendy:
> While Org isn't anywhere close to as messy as a LaTeX installation,
> maintaining it properly if one is planning to spread the files around
> should not be overlooked. While AUR also has an Org-mode package, I'd
> *much* rather just stick to a directory at ~/.elisp/org.git where I
> pull, make clean, make, and then simply add those dirs a the top of
> the load-path.

I think it's good to give users a choice.  According to my experience,
the problem with the Gentoo org-mode package has never been that it was
poorly configured, but that it was irregularly updated.  IMHO Org is
pretty much feature-complete and has a wide user base, so many users
would not want to concern themselves with "make" in a cloned git
directory to get the latest (but possibly unstable!) set of features.

I myself have installed Org from git until I learned how to write Gentoo
ebuilds.  With another Emacs package (evil), I also recently switched
from git to ebuilds (maintained by someone else), because I found the
package to be sufficiently feature-complete with version 1.0.



Christoph Lange, http://www.facebook.com/ch.lange, Skype duke4701

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