Yes I'd seen that, but I hadn't thought that I could narrow the agenda
to a day, and then generate the report... which almost gives me what I

Ideally I'd like to visualise the clocking times for a whole week at a
time, by day...  So I could spot days easily where there had been
clocking errors... rather than having to page through them manually...
is this possible?

Many thanks,


On 26 April 2013 09:45, Sebastien Vauban <> wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> Rick Moynihan wrote:
>> I've recently started looking at the time tracking facilities in
>> org-mode, and in particular clocking time, which really is awesome.
>> org-agenda-consistency-checks seems really useful, however I'd really
>> like to add another similar overlay to the agenda that displays how
>> much time was clocked on that day.
>> Is this currently possible?
> See the command `org-agenda-clockreport-mode', bound to `R'.
> Best regards,
>   Seb
> --
> Sebastien Vauban

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