Greg Minshall <> writes:

> Org-mode version 8.0.1 (release_8.0.1-42-g267cbe @ 
> /Users/minshall/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/)
> hi.  the following produces #+RESULTS:
> ----
> #+begin_src org :results replace
> hello
> #+end_src
> ----
> but, repeated evaluations seem to grow the list of results.  e.g., after
> four evaluations:
> ----
> hello
> hello
> hello
> hello
> ----

Yes, this is the behavior of raw results.

> the following does not produce #+RESULTS at all:
> ----
> #+begin_src org
> hello
> #+end_src
> ----
> is this intended behavior?

This is the intended behavior for Org-mode blocks, it is not the
intended behavior in general.

> the code thinks so; ob-org.el has:
> ----
> (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:org
>   '((:results . "raw silent") (:exports . "code"))
>   "Default arguments for evaluating a org source block.")
> ----
> otoh, the manual thinks ":results replace" should be the default:
> ----
>    * 'replace' The default value.  Any existing results will be removed,
>      and the new results will be inserted into the Org mode buffer in
>      their place.  E.g., ':results output replace'.
> ----

In this case the defaults for org-mode are different from the general
cross-language defaults.

As I recall, at the time that the defaults were set for Org-mode code
blocks, we did not have options like drawers to allow replaceable raw
results.  Perhaps the default header arguments for Org-mode should be


> cheers, Greg

Eric Schulte

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