Rick Frankel <r...@rickster.com> writes:

> On 01.05.2013 13:28, Daimrod wrote:
>> Thanks for the report, I've attached a patch that fixes this problem
>> (in
>> both `org-display-inline-images' and `org-preview-latex-fragment').
>> However I don't know if it is the right approach or if I should try
>> to
>> narrow this to lower-level functions.
>> I know that `clear-image-cache' raise this error but I haven't tried
>> to
>> see if it the only one. Should I try to look more at it and add a
>> `org-clear-image-cache' which will check if a graphic display is
>> available or is the current solution fine?
> Looks good. No, I tried narrowing it down myself and it breaks in amy
> other places in org-display-inline-images if you don't simply cond out
> the entire function.

Fixed in master, thanks again for your report!



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