Hi Christian,

I like this patch, this is good  stuff. Can you tell me how you use
> this?
Thanks, I attached a file where I made some tests. My idea was, that clock times are only used when there is no explicit information given, viz., when there is neither a property `complete' nor the task state equals "done". Since I am clocking most of my activities, it would be convenient for me to let the exporter/TJ3 infer the task progress instead of explicitly giving the `complete' property. So far for the story.

 I.e. does tj3 adapt the length fo a task based on your clock
> table?
No, TJ3 is not adapting anything here, neither am I. Since you cannot give values > 100 (%), my patch limits the maximum inferred progress to 99. We could let the exporter overwrite the effort with the clocksum in those cases, but it doesn't seem right.
I found out some more details after reading the documentation of TJ3:
- The `complete' property is merely for documentation purposes, it's totally ignored by TJ3 when it comes to scheduling. It just "looks nice". Being only "cosmetic", tracking can be done via clock times as proposed. - But there is another thing we could do: One can add "bookings" to the tasks, which could be exactly the clock times from org-mode. I tried this manually and it seems to be a mixed blessing: If doing so, TJ3 internally grows the effort when the bookings exceed them and reschedules accordingly (which is nice). On the other hand sensible clock times are vital then. What I mean is, when there are bookings that are too early w.r.t. a task's earliest possible start (due to dependencies etc.), then TJ3 exits with an error. I am not sure this is wanted behavior. What do you think? Additionally, the visually attractive completeness is not derived from the bookings or anything.

I would write this using cond  instead of nested if. Makes it more
> clear.
Oh yes, I will do that. I am fairly new to Lisp, it is a nice exercise.

2. IIUC you don't need  the TINYCHANGE cookie because the changes
>>> are made in contrib/ which doesn't require copyright assignment.
> The taskjuggler exporter used to be in core before it was moved to
> contrib by Bastien or Nicolas on the bases that there aren't many
> users (and probably because it wasn't maintained very well). This is
> OK for now, but eventually I'd like to move it back to core. So we
> need assignment for this patch.
Is it that I need to sign something? That is not a problem, I happily contribute here.

#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 2d 5d 10d 20d 30d 35d 50d
#+PROPERTY: allocate_ALL dev doc test
#+COLUMNS: %70ITEM(Task) %3Effort %8allocate %BLOCKER %ORDERED

* Resources                                            :taskjuggler_resource:
** Developers
:resource_id: dev
*** Paul Smith
:resource_id: paul
*** Sébastien Bono
:resource_id: seb
*** Klaus Müller
** Others
*** Peter Murphy
:resource_id: doc
:limits:   { dailymax 7h }
*** Dim Sung
:resource_id: test

* Accounting Software                                   :taskjuggler_project:
  SCHEDULED: <2013-04-15 Mo>
** STARTED Specification
   - State "STARTED"    from "TODO"       [2013-05-02 Do 16:50]
   CLOCK: [2013-04-30 Do 16:50]--[2013-05-03 Do 16:50] => 72:00
   :Effort:   20d
   :allocate: dev
   :task_id:  task_spec
** Software Development
   :allocate: dev   
   :ORDERED:  true
   :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
   :task_id:  task_dev
*** TODO Database coupling
    CLOCK: [2013-05-03 Do 15:21]--[2013-05-11 Do 22:21] => 199:00
    :Effort:   20d

    *This task uses the smart progress inference*: This task's
    completeness is guessed using the clocked times, since it has no
    explicit `complete' property. However the clock durations add up
    to more than the effort and TJ3 does only allow values
    [0,100]. Therefore semantically the task is not regarded as
    complete until the TODO state equals "done", no matter how much we
    clock on it.  According to TJ3 doc, the complete information has
    no impact on the TJ3 scheduler, it's pure documentation.

    1) Instead of setting `complete', we could set the property
       `booking' for a resource or task, when we export to TJ3. Then
       TJ3 would have additional information, since the bookings
       reflect how much work was actually put into a task vs. how much
       we originally planned. Note that unlike `complete' this has an
       impact on the scheduling. TJ3 then can schedule a new plan
       based on the amount of work that actually happened.  Downside
       is, that the org-syntax does not capture who/which resource
       clocks on a task. And that the clock times will cause
       scheduling errors when they do not comply with the scheduled
       time windows for the tasks (e.g., when the bookings are earlier
       than the task could have started, which can be constrained by
       dependencies). When the bookings exceed the effort, TJ3 overwrites the 
effort with the booking value.
       No completeness is calculated automatically though.
    2) We continue to set `complete', but when the progress rendered
       by the clocksum exceeds 100%, we adjust the effort s.t. it
       yields 99% again. However, this might be surprising since the
       export shows different efforts than the org-file.

*** Back-End Functions
    :Effort:   5d
    :task_id:  task_backend

*** Graphical User Interface
    :Effort:   35d
** Software testing
   :allocate: test, paul
   :ORDERED:  true
   :BLOCKER:  task_dev
*** Alpha Test
    :Effort:   5d
    :task_id:  task_alpha
*** Beta Test
    :Effort:   20d
    :allocate: test
    :task_id:  task_beta
** Manual
    CLOCK: [2013-05-03 Fr 12:48]--[2013-05-08 Fr 17:48] => 125:00
   :Effort:   50d
   :allocate: doc
   :BLOCKER:  task_spec
   :complete: 75
   :task_id:  task_manual
    This task's completeness is explicitly set. Even if there are
    clock in this task, it is being ignored.

** Milestones
*** Project start
*** Technology Preview
    :BLOCKER:  task_backend
*** Beta version
    :BLOCKER:  task_alpha
*** Ship Product to Customer
    :BLOCKER:  task_beta task_manual

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