G'day fellow orgmode users,

I've encountered an issue/difference with the way the recent "babel
processor" handles captions.

In versions prior to 8 the following WORKED (on export produced a figure
environment with a caption):

#+CAPTION: Fails to produce table environment and so caption in the new orgmode
#+LABEL: fig:fails
#+begin_src R :session :results graphics :file fails.pdf :exports results

Under orgmode version 8.0.2 (8.0.2-2-g93da18-elpa the same code does
not work, the includegraphics is exported sans the figure environment.

Under this latest orgmode the following does work:

#+begin_src R :session :results graphics :file ok.pdf :exports results

#+CAPTION: Succeeds to produce table environment and so caption
#+LABEL: fig:OK

However, this second construction of code has the following issues:
 1. it is different to prior method which worked
 2. it is ugly to have the caption sandwiched between the code and the
 3. often, but not always, when the code is re-executed the caption and
 label is lost

I also see that HTML export also fails to produce a caption.

Is this an issue in orgmode that can be addressed or is it an issue with
my understanding? I must admit as much as I like org-babel I have long
found the options for headers and arguments hard to understand well.


Robert Cunningham

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