OK, here's a patch which adds the ability to highlight the selected text.

It makes new highlight notes only if `org-mac-Skim-highlight-selection-p' is 
set to t.

- Dan

Attachment: 0004-Add-the-ability-to-highlight-the-selected-text-in-Sk.patch
Description: Binary data

On May 14, 2013, at 8:33 AM, Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 13.5.2013, at 22:35, Daniil Frumin <difru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I've been researching this problem and it seems that there is no sane way 
>> to re-select a text. 
> OK, thanks for looking into it.
>> The problem is that `(do-applescript ..)' only interacts with AppleScript 
>> well if the return type of the string is either a number or a string. If I 
>> try to convert the selection object (which is not really an object but a 
>> list of specifiers) it just returns the selected text. 
>> There is also `selection bounds' but it only covers rectangle selections.
>> It's possible to save the selected text and try to `find' it later, but that 
>> won't work well (e.g.: there are several repetitions of the same text on one 
>> page). 
>> I've also tried to implement an auto-scrolling to the selected text, but to 
>> no avail.
>> The option that seems to me the most reasonable is to add a highlight note 
>> to the selected text (which is actually possible). What do you think? 
> Interesting idea!  I think this should be implemented, but with a user option 
> to turn it off.
>> For now, the patch to the problem mentioned by Ivan.
>> I have actually fixed a small bug in the code for getting links from Firefox:
>> Prior to the fix the firefox link grabber won't work correctly if a cursor 
>> has been already positioned in the URL field. The fix works by adding an 
>> additional keystore for selecting all the text in that field.
>> The problem is that I've committed it before committing the stuff that Ivan 
>> told us about, so I am not sure what to do in this case.
> So you mean the patch you would like to send to me is several commits?  That 
> is no problem, just specify with git which range of commits should be part of 
> the patch, for example
>    git diff HEAD^^
> will include the changes from two commits.  You could also amend the previous 
> commit if it has not yet been push to another repository - there are many 
> ways to deal with this.
> - Carsten
>> Thanks
>> -- Daniil
>> <0002-Fixing-a-bug-in-as-mac-firefox-get-frontmost-url.patch><0003-Automatic-detection-of-the-presence-of-Skim.app.patch>
>> On May 13, 2013, at 10:34 AM, Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Daniil,
>>> I like this a lot and would like to take the patch after you have taken 
>>> Ivans feedback, and maybe more feedback if you get any.
>>> I would like it even more if following the link would rehighlight the 
>>> selected text.  Is there any way to achieve this?
>>> I have another question, this would maybe be for the original author, 
>>> Anthony Lander?  I see that there are functions with prefixes that are not 
>>> "org-".  This is dangerous because there might be packages around that use 
>>> that name space.  I also think it violates coding rules in Emacs.  I think 
>>> this should be changed - unless you know of a convention that all functions 
>>> dealing with applescripts are supposed to have an "as-" prefix.
>>> I can fix this - but I wanted your feedback first.
>>> Thanks.
>>> - Carsten
>>> On 12 mei 2013, at 20:29, Daniil Frumin <difru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi, all!
>>>> I use org-mac-link-grabber.el 
>>>> <http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-mac-link-grabber.html> almost 
>>>> every day. However, it lacks support for an app that I'd like to use 
>>>> together with org-mode. 
>>>> Skim.app is a light and fast PDF reader for Mac OS X with a note-taking 
>>>> ability. I wrote a little patch for org-mac-link-grabber.el to support 
>>>> grabbing links to documents.
>>>> What it does:
>>>> * Grabs not just the link to file, but a page
>>>> * Inserts the selected text as a description, if present. Otherwise
>>>> inserts "<filename>, p. <page #>"
>>>> * The shortcut is set to [S]
>>>> * Defines a new "skim" link type
>>>> It would be interesting to also add some support for importing notes from 
>>>> Skim to org.
>>>> Since Skim.app is not present in clean OS X installs, by default support 
>>>> for grabbing links from it is disabled. You can enable it by customizing 
>>>> group `org-mac-link-grabber'.
>>>> So, maybe it's possible to get this patch into the tree? It's my first 
>>>> time hacking on org (or even any major elisp extension), so it's probably 
>>>> that I've messed up somewhere with a commit format or whatnot.
>>>> Cheers.
>>>> -- Daniil Frumin
>>>> <0001-Adding-Skim.app-support-to-org-mac-link-grabber.el.patch>

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