How about this?  IMO this would be ideal.

  - M-RET is for the current context
  - C-RET is for a new context

| command     | context          | pos    | action                       |
| c-ret       | any              | any    | create headline above ENTRY  |
| m-ret       | headline or item | beg    | create new above header/item |
| m-ret       | headline or item | middle | split                        |
| m-ret       | headline or item | end    | create new below header/item |
| m-ret       | line             | beg    | create headline above LINE   |
| m-ret twice | line             | beg    | create item above line       |
| m-ret       | line             | middle | turn line into a headline    |
| m-ret twice | line             | middle | turn line into an item       |
| m-ret       | line             | end    | create headline below line   |
| m-ret twice | line             | end    | create item below line       |


  - C-RET (in all contexts) creates new headline ABOVE (not
    below) the current entry

  - "beg" does not only refer to beginning of line.  it also
    refers to the blank spaces before a list item or stars
    and space in a headline

I should mention that M-RET still takes several seconds.

Also, C-RET and M-RET currently seem to be identical?


The Kafka Pandemic:

The disease DOES progress.  MANY people have died from it.  ANYBODY can get it.

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