On May 20, 2013 9:03 PM, "Scott Randby" <sran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, I am using Org version 8.0.3-140-g84bae8.
> I'm having some weird customization issues that I don't know how to
> resolve.
> When Emacs is started, not all the org variables are visible or
> available for customization. Here is an example involving HTML export
> customization.
> 1. Start Emacs
> 2. M-x customize-group org-export-html
>    - None of the org-html variables appear on the list.
> 3. M-x customize-variable org-html-head
>    - Changes to org-export-html-head
> 4. Open up an org file to export to HTML
> 5. C-c C-e h h
> 6. M-x customize-group org-export-html
>    - Now the org-html variables appear
> 7. M-x customize-variable org-html-head
>    - Works
> I can live with the above behavior, but I have a problem when it comes
> to customizing LaTeX export.
> 1. In a manner similar to the org-html variable situation described
>    above, variables such as org-latex-classes are not available for
>    customization when Emacs is started. One must do C-c C-e l p on an
>    org file to make these variables available.
> 2. I want to put the following in my init.el:
>      (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
>              '("notesclass"
>                "\\documentclass{article}"
>                ("\\section{%s}" . "\\newsection{%s}")
>                ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\newsubsection{%s}")))
>     But when I do, I get the following on startup:
>       Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading
>       `/home/srandby/.emacs.d/init.el':
>       Symbol's value as variable is void: org-latex-classes
>       To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove
>       the cause of the error in your initialization file.  Start
>       Emacs with the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error
>       backtrace.
>     This means I cannot put the above code in my init.el file where I
>     want it to be.
> Is there any way to make all of org's variables available for
> customization on startup?

Yes, see the original exporter announcement:


Section 3.0 calls out two methods of setting available backends. I'm
guessing you are customizing org-export-backends vs (require 'ox-backend).
Try requiring the backend and all associated variables will be there on


> Scott Randby

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