rai...@krugs.de (Rainer M. Krug) writes:

> Hi
> I am using  org-babel-tangle-jump-to-org when debugging code written in
> org and tangled. I have some longisch code blocks and it is always
> irritating, as it only jumps to the codde block. Would it be possible to
> extend the function, that it jumps to the line of the code?
> That would make this funktion much more user friendly.

I've just pushed up a change which should make this change.  I tested
this against the example.C file tangled from the attached Org-mode file.

* example
  :tangle:   yes
  :comments: link

The required headers.
#+name: header
#+begin_src C
  #include <stdio.h>

Here is the auxiliary function.
#+name: auxiliary
#+begin_src C
  void aux(char* arg){
    printf("first argument: %s\n", arg);

Here is the main function.
#+name: main
#+begin_src C
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    return 0;

While implementing this change I did notice that this jumping
functionality only appears to work with linked code blocks, which should
I believe is a bug.


> Thanks,
> Rainer

Eric Schulte

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