Am 06.06.2013 10:44, schrieb Carsten Dominik:

On 6 jun. 2013, at 10:30, Andreas Röhler <> wrote:

Am 06.06.2013 10:11, schrieb Carsten Dominik:

On 6 jun. 2013, at 09:58, Andreas Röhler <> wrote:


I'm misusing org-mode for a review of (slightly transformed) diffs as below.
When done, want to delete the current section.

Unfortunatly a call of M-x `org-cut-subtree' not just deletes the current 
section, but also
deletes the header-start of section beneath.

Hi Andreas,

I am not sure I understand the problem.  What do you mean by header-start of 

- Carsten

The star, `*', introducing the header below. Which get's killed.

I am not able to reproduce this.

- Carsten



Okay, registered a kbd-macro which restores the star.  Fine for me.

Thanks again,


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