To minimize risk of eye cancer (previous version was sent from gmail
web interface at work without plain text setting) here it goes again:

Nicolas Goaziou <address@hidden> writes:

> Søren Mikkelsen <address@hidden> writes:

>> But I have a problem with the exporter:
>> I have modified by org-exporter to export latex-files with the xelatex
>> compiler. The implementation uses the
>> "org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook"-hook to reconfigure the
>> default process, however, this hook seems to be deleted and I'm not
>> able to find equivalent hook.

> Isn't it sufficient to customize `org-latex-pdf-process' so it uses
> xelatex?

I assume Søren is using a similar snippet [1] as I do which is very
convenient (credit goes to Bruno Tavernier). This approach lets you
specify a #+LATEX_CMD (think of xelatex, -shell-escape, etc.) on a per
file basis and allows LaTeX package 'injection'.

Is there a hook that is run before actual LaTeX export of a given
org-mode buffer in the new exporter engine?


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