Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> Dnia 2013-06-07, o godz. 10:26:31
> Richard Lawrence <> napisaƂ(a):
>> Here's my use case.  I often create new commands in LaTeX to abstract
>> over some common pattern so I can easily type it and change it later
>> if necessary.  For example, when taking notes on readings, I have a
>> command that makes its argument into an `inline comment' (basically
>> an aside to myself) defined as follows:
>> #+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\ic}[1]{{\footnotesize [~#1~]}}

> Quick and dirty workaround (untested):
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \def\ic!#1!{{\footnotesize [~#1~]}}
> Of course, you may do \def\ic(#1){...}, \def\ic~#1~{...} etc.  The
> "delimiter" characters may not appear in the argument, though (nesting
> is not supported!).
> This is very un-LaTeX-y (it is much lower-level TeX syntax), but it is
> occasionaly useful (and heavily used by LaTeX itself, btw - this is
> used among others for delimiting optional arguments).

Hmm, that does work for this case, thanks!  

Still, this won't work directly for cases where I have loaded a LaTeX
package that provides a command which uses curly braces.  (I could
redefine such commands, as above, but that could get real ugly, real
fast...).  It seems like this a general problem that the exporter should
have a way to handle.


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