Hi Christian and others that are helping me,

Many thanks!  I've run into more problems, but I'm encouraged that with
your help I'll soon have Taskjuggler enabled.

On 06/11/2013 04:46 PM, Christian Egli wrote:
> Hi Louis
> Louis Turk <l...@dayspringpublisher.com> writes:
>> I'm very interested in your work to get Org-mode to export to
>> Taskjuggler version 3 --- very exciting! Being able to export to tj3
>> from org-mode would be extremely helpful to me. 
> Cool.
>> However, I'm having trouble getting it to work. I suspect that the
>> documentation I've been reading is too old --- for version 2 of
>> Taskjuggler---, and I have version 3 installed.
> Yes, the documentation should be updated. John Hendy promised to do so a
> while ago :-) (hint, hint).
> What are the problems you are encountering? It should work out of the
> box. Once you have an org file as explained on the worg page you just
> invoke the exporter with C-c C-e J o for example and you should see the
> schedule in a browser.
>> Would you please send me:
>> 1 The related code in your .emacs file. 
> There is nothing special in my .emacs file. You need to include contrib
> to your load path (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/org-mode/contrib/lisp")
I did this.
> and you need to enable the taskjuggler exporter (M-x customize
> org-export-backends).

"M-x customize org-export-backends" did not work for me. If I type "M-x 
customize-group" then type "org" I get into org related stuff, but nothing 
about export-backends. And in trying to figure this out I somehow disabled C-c 
C-e, so now I can't export to anything. I'm hoping I haven't disable a whole 
lot of other commands also. How can I fix this?

I'm using Emacs 23.3 which is the latest version packaged by Mint Linux. Do I 
need to upgrade to version 24.1?

>> 2 A sample full-featured org-mode file that compiles successfully to
>>   tj3. 
> The one on from the taskjuggler tutorial on the worg page should work.
I am (and will be) using that file until I get everything working.
>> 3 Any up-to-date documentation that is available.
> The best ATM is the tutorial on worg and the comments in the code.
>> 4 Anything other information needed to get it to work.
> If there is any other info needed then I'd say it is the official
> TaskJuggler documentation.
>> Thank you in advance for your help. And thanks for all your work
>> already done on this project.
> My pleasure.
> Christian
Thanks again.


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