>> "Eric" == Eric S Fraga <Eric> writes:

   > Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
   >> Hello
   >> Thanks to Achim's change in org-compat, I could compile and load the new
   >> orgmode, without the complain about the obsolete function stuff.
   >> However there are still serious problems:
   >> -  7.8.X had a file called org-exp.el. This file is now gone. What is
   >> it substitute???

   > What functionality is it you need from that file?

I don't remember. I have to investigate.... But where are all the
functions of this file now?

   >> -  when trying to use gnus, some errors popped up, I attach the bug trace.

   > What does this have to do with org?

I don't know. All I know is: when I use org-7.8.3 with my org
setting everything works smooth, but when I use org-8.0.3 with
the same setting the above error shows up.

Backward compatibility problems, I say.

   >> -  when I try to open a org file or to fire up my favourite 
   >> org-preview-latex-fragment function another error pops up. Bug
   >> trace attached.

   > It would help to see a minimal example and the actual steps you did to
   > "fire up" ...  From what I can see, you seem to invoking this org
   > capability within a gnus draft buffer and I do not see how this should
   > be possible.  A gnus draft buffer is not in org mode.  You could try
   > changing the buffer to org (M-x org-mode RET), do what you want, and
   > then switch back to message mode (I guess, M-x message-mode RET).

The issue is the following: in org 7.8.03 I can use
org-preview-latex-fragment in different  buffers with different
mayor modes! For example 

    -   a buffer in gnus-message-mode

    -  a buffer in matlab etc! 

This is for me a very important feature: not to switch to org

Here is a minimal example, which works in 7.8.03 but not in 8.0.3

    -   use gnus-summary-post-news, 

    -  I type some latex formula \(\int f=0\)

    - I execute org-preview-latex-fragment and voila the png are

    -  later I use org-mime-htmlize to send this png
      via my email.

Uwe Brauer 

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