Eric Schulte writes:
>>> My vote is for adding #+name support to call lines, and then handling
>>> their results in the same manner as code block results.
> Achim Gratz <> writes:
>> I'm not sure what this would entail other than replacing the call with
>> its arguments with the name of the call in the results line.  But yes,
>> that'd be a step forward, although you'd have to be careful when copying
>> calls.
> This could work exactly as named source blocks work.  E.g.,

I see.  The problem then really is that #+CALL lines are currently
"implicitly named" by copying their arguments to the results line.  If
explicit naming is allowed, this implicit naming should go away or at
least not be the default, IMHO.

> I agree that the current behavior is confusing, but I don't like this
> suggestion.  I expect people will be mystified when calls replace
> results in the same subtree and don't replace blocks elsewhere in the
> same Org-mode file.  No other parts of Org-mode's code block support
> work this way.

If the results stop being implicitly named, then that problem (and its
clumsy solution, which doesn't even work correctly yet) is not needed (I

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