Hi Matt,

Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> writes:

> The function org-agenda-open-link does not open bbdb links.
> The reason is that bbdb agenda lines contain links that are not found in
> the entry. 

I'm not sure I understand.  Can you provide a minimal example/recipe?

> Because the agenda line is added to the strings scanned by
> org-offer-links-in-entry, it is added to the list of links (lk). I.e.,
> both buffer and lk are defined, which triggers the first cond statement.
> The function then proceeds to search for this link in the buffer. It
> does not find it, since a bbdb-anniversary entry typically looks like
> this:
> * Anniversaries
>   :CATEGORY: anniv
>   :END:
> %%(org-bbdb-anniversaries)
> But as a result, the function org-offer-links-in-entry never gets to the
> second cond statement, which would indeed open the link found in the
> agenda buffer.
> It seems to me that feeding the agenda line as a "prefix" to
> org-offer-links-in-entry is redundant, since the second cond statement
> explicitly looks for links in the agenda line.
> The following change fixes the problem, but before I submit it as a
> properly formatted patch, I want to make sure that it does not interfere
> with some other functionality.

The patch would need to update `org-offer-links-in-entry' too, as the
occurrence you changed is the only one requiring a zero arg.  I remember
this was intentional, but the code is convoluted here.

Anyway, a recipe on how to reproduce the problem will help.



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