* Rick Frankel <r...@rickster.com> wrote:

> And here's a simplier version which uses a graph table in the
> following format:

I tried to use your solution with the "#+call:" method.

Unfortunately, it fails and due to my limited ELISP knowledge, I can
not debug this issue. I've got the feeling that you might be able to
spot my error right away. 

I should add, that this is my first usage of "call:". So there might
be a misunderstanding on my side on how to use it properly:

#+name: graph-from-table
#+HEADER: :var nodes=foobar-node-table graph=foobar-graph
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :file ~/tmp/2del/foovar-example-simple.png :colnames yes 
:exports results
        "digraph {\n"
         (lambda (x)
           (format "%s [label=\"%s\" shape=%s fillcolor=%s]"
                           (car x) (nth 1 x)
                           (if (string= "" (nth 2 x)) "box" (nth 2 x))
                           (if (string= "" (nth 3 x)) "none" (nth 3 x)))) nodes 
         (lambda (x)
           (format "%s -> %s [taillabel=\"%s\"]"
                           (car x) (nth 1 x) (nth 2 x))) graph "\n")
        "}\n") params)

#+name: example-node-table
| *node*     | *label*                | *shape* | *fillcolor* |
| S_start    | example start          | ellipse | green       |
| S_fill     | example fill form      |         |             |
| S_send     | example send form      |         |             |
| S_complete | example form complete? | diamond | yellow      |
| S_do       | example do task        |         | red         |
| S_end      | example end            | ellipse |             |

#+name: example-graph
| from       | to         | label |
| S_start    | S_fill     |       |
| S_fill     | S_send     |       |
| S_send     | S_complete |       |
| S_complete | S_fill     | N     |
| S_complete | S_do       | Y     |
| S_do       | S_end      |       |

#+call: graph-from-table(nodes=example-node-table,graph=example-graph)

-> this results in "format: Wrong type argument: listp, hline"

Note: I got the following additional parameters "in my pipeline" (want
to make them work) as well:

 :exports results :resname example-result :file ~/tmp/2del/example-simple.png

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