Eric Schulte writes:
>> |   |        A |        B |        C |
>> |---+----------+----------+----------|
>> | 0 | 0.827817 | 0.664009 | 0.089161 |
>> | 1 | 0.170031 | 0.729214 | 0.110918 |
>> | 2 | 0.575918 | 0.863924 | 0.757536 |
>> | 3 | 0.682722 | 0.774445 | 0.992041 |
> What happens if you add ":results table" to your code block?  Would that
> be sufficient?

The problem is that he's trying to consume human-readable output.  The
alignment in this output is done with spaces, not tabs (as Org would
expect).  There are more problems considering that the numbers likely
lose precision in this format (nota bene: there are other Babel
languages that have that same problem).

> The default value should be to convert multi-line output to tables, the
> ":results table" option above will force this conversion in case it is
> currently not taking place due to the default header arguments in use.

Since there are no tabs in there, it is impossible to skip empty cells
like the first one (they'd have to be written as "" instead, as would be
cells that should contain literal spaces).

>> 2. Add to pandas the option of globally influencing the text
>> formatting so that it outputs something more parsable by org-mode.
> This sounds promising, if pandas support csv output that will be
> correctly parsed by Org-mode.

The package already has CSV export, so one could use that.  I don't know
if you could echo the result directly to the output, all examples
revolve around putting the CSV into a file.  For Org, TSV output would
be more natural.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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