I need to export different parts of an org file with different LaTeX
classes, one of which is a beamer style.

I've come up with the following solution: manually switching the
LATEX_CLASS for each export, and using SELECT_TAGS to choose which
headings to export. For the following file

* First section
** First subsection
*** This is for beamer                            :beamer:
    Some text
*** This is for plain LaTeX                       :latex:      
    Some other text
*** This is for both                              :beamer:latex:      

Changing the preamble from:
 #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer
 #+SELECT_TAGS: beamer
 #+LATEX_CLASS: latex
 #+SELECT_TAGS: latex

does the trick but what if I don't want to export the title of the
heading but just the text ? I can use the noheading BEAMER_ENV for
beamer export but I couldn't find a corresponding option for plain

How would you go about doing it ?


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