Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:
>> Hi List, 
>> when calling Org-mode functionality form an external program, some
>> functions seem to make use of 'org-cycle', what results in a lot of
>> "OVERVIEW" messages arriving at stdout/stderr
>> ,---------
> [...]
>> Is there a way to turn these message off? I found things like
> Unfortunately, no.  The code that outputs these messages does have a
> hack to turn off the output when the org file is an attachment in a gnus
> message but that's about it.
> I also would like to have these turned off when using an emacs batch
> command which I often do to synchronise my diary with various online
> calendars...
> Should be easy to add a variable and then a condition on each
> (message...) line in org-cycle-internal-global as all of the relevant
> message lines are already within a conditional.

yes, adding this defcustom to org.el

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defcustom org-cycle-silently nil
    "Non-nil means `org-cycle-internal-global' cycles silently.
  No messages about changing visibility state of the Org-mode
  buffer will be outputted anymore in that case. This is especially
  useful to avoid having these messages arrive at stdout or stderr
  when calling Org-mode functionality from an external program."
    :group 'org-cycle
    :type 'boolean)

and then changing the four

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (unless ga (message "CONTENTS..."))

lines in `org-cycle-internal-global' to something like

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (unless (or ga org-cycle-silently)
    (message "CONTENTS..."))

would do the job.


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