Kyle Sexton <> writes:

> Bastien <> writes:
>> Kyle Sexton <> writes:
>>> Does anyone know if there is a feature to show something like 'Tasks: 4'
>>> on the mode-line for tasks that are currently open?
>> This is the default behavior since long: hitting "I" to clock in a
>> task in the agenda or C-c C-x C-i in an Org buffer will append the
>> task name to the modeline, together with the time spent.
>> Don't you have this?  Even with emacs -Q?
> Sorry, it appears I didn't make my use case very clear.  What you are
> speaking of is clocking into a task, and indeed that does show up on the
> modeline.
> What I am after is more of a overview of "How many total TODO tasks do I
> have", ideally with some function to limit or match based on tag.
> Something like this in the modeline:
> [Work: 3/10 Home: 2/20]
>                      ^--- Total number of TODOs in
>                   ^------ Total number of TODOs due today in
> That way I have a constant reminder of the number of things left without
> having to pull up the agenda.
> --
> Kyle Sexton

A lighter-weight and easier to code version of this might be produced
directly from the current *Org Agenda* buffer. Ie, every time you call
org-agenda, or org-agenda-redo, you could build a variable that creates
this mode line, maybe in `org-agenda-finalize-hook'.

So long as you don't need separate queries for the agenda buffer and the
modeline, this seems like it would work fine. Then your timer could run
`org-agenda-redo', or you could just bind that to a key in the global or
org-mode keymaps.


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