Eric Schulte <schulte.eric <at>> writes:

> It sounds like you want to use tables like key-value stores.  I think
> adding such behavior directly to Org-mode would overly complicate the
> data structures passed between code blocks (which currently only
> consists of scalars and tables).  However, maybe the following could
> work.
> Attachment ( text/x-org, 776 bytes
> Cheers,

Thanks for the attachment. It works fine indeed!
But should it be so complicated to add this behavior to Org-mode?

I can rewrite your table as follows :

#+name: table
|   | keys | values |
|   | foo  | 1      |
| ^ |      | foo    |
|   | bar  | 2      |
| ^ |      | bar    |

Now I can refer to bar value as $bar in org-table. 

So, my suggestion is only to mimic this feature to assign value of source 
block variable like :

#+headers: :results verbatim
#+begin_src sh :var foo=table$foo :var bar=table$bar
  cat <<EOF
  Pulling the data from the above table we find
  that foo is $foo and baz is $bar.

But anyway, thanks for the solution.



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