On 09/30/2013 07:05 PM, Marcin Borkowski wrote:

- =string=[footnote]

Just curious: what's the problem with =string=[footnote]?

Hello Marcin,

This line do no really cause errors on latex but do no export the code
and/or the footnote and leaves the equals in the output.  Here are
some cases:

* title
** section
*** subsection
test[fn:1] good: text, footnote, no equals

=test=[fn:2] bad: no code(bad), footnote, equals(bad)

=test[fn:3]= bad: code, no footnote(bad), equals(bad)

=test=\[fn:4] bad: code, footnote, no equals, slash(bad?)

=test=​​[fn:5] bad: no code(bad), footnote, equals (bad) (please note
that there is a zero with whitespace before “[”)

[fn:1] t1

[fn:2] t2

[fn:3] t3

[fn:4] t4

[fn:5] t5

* title 2


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