On 3.10.2013, at 21:45, John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Marcin Borkowski <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> wrote:
>> Hi Orgers,
>> I work as an editorial assistant for a journal (together with a
>> friend).  We get LaTeX files of articles, and have to convert them to
>> our template, do some proof-reading and corrections, send galleys to
>> authors etc.  It is convenient to have a TODO Org tree for each paper,
>> with TODO subheadings for all these activities.  Thus, I created a tree
>> called "Paper template" with all these TODO entries and copy it as
>> needed.  However, I do not want them to show up an the agenda's todo
>> list.  Is there a possibility to "disable" a tree, so that no its
>> subheadings appear in the global todo list?
> Custom agenda that excludes certain tags? Perhaps there's a way to
> propagate some tag to the contents of the tree? Then exclude any items
> with that tag?

To exclude a specific TODO keyword or so, you can try agenda filters.
Check them out in the manual and in also check out the variable

To exclude a specific tree, you can try to tag the tree with the ARCHIVE

- Carsten

> Just a thought,
> John
>> If not, it's not a huge problem for me - I'll just write a small elisp
>> function inserting my template - but if it's not possible, maybe (and
>> this is a huge maybe!) such a feature is worth adding to Org-mode?
>> Best,
>> --
>> Marcin Borkowski
>> http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski
>> Adam Mickiewicz University

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