Hello Vladimir,

Vladimir Lomov wrote:
> please consider this sample Org document (ex-call.org):
> #+TITLE: Example with CALL directive
> #+AUTHOR: Vladimir Lomov
> #+OPTIONS: num:nil
> * This is first section
> Recently I faced with a strange message in minibuffer:
> Marker points into wrong buffer: #<marker in no buffer>
> when exporting the Org document into HTML.
> At first I was puzzled what causes this message in that particular Org
> document, while rest my Org documents are exported to HTML just fine.
> After a while I tried to strip down that document to figure out what
> may cause that message. And seems that problem is in CALL strings.
> In that particural document I have several CALL directive, commenting
> out them (just added a ~#~ at beginning of a line with a space after
> it) allows me to export that document into HTML.
> The purpose of this example document to ensure that even simple CALL
> line could cause such behaviour.
> This is CALL directive, it calls function defined below
> #+CALL: simple-func()
> Even without evaluation of this directive exporting into HTML fails
> with above message.
> Commenting that directive make it possible to export into HTML.
> Another attempt:
> #+CALL: simple-func(name="Vladimir Lomov")
> * The simple Emacs Lisp function
> This simple Emacs Lisp function has to be called by CALL directive:
> #+NAME: simple-func
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var name="My name"
>   (format "[You told me:] %S" name)
> My system:
> - Archlinux x86_64, gcc 4.8.1, make 4.0
> - emacs: GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.10.0) 
> of 2013-10-10 on smoon4
>   (compile from bzr trunk, revno 114606)
> - org-mode: Org-mode version 8.2.1 (release_8.2.1-77-g8aaf3c @ 
> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/)
> I have typed above document in Emacs run as
> emacs -Q -l min-org.el --eval "(require 'ox-html)" ex-call.org
> Is this really a bug or my misunderstanding of 'CALL' directive usage?

I confirm the problem on my Windows environment:

- GNU Emacs (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2013-09-30 on LEG570
- Org-mode version 8.1.1 (release_8.1.1-13-ga1f9a1)

... and I don't see any problem with your syntax. I'm as puzzled as you are.

Would you wanna help, I think trying to bisect Org mode would be a great step
into fixing what I think to be a problem in Org.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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