
I feel like a newbie most of the time when I try to do something a bit
more complicated with org. And finding the solution in the manuals is
often pretty hard.

What I would like to do now is to automatically run some commands after
I have exported an org file as html. (In particular, I want to commit to
git and push changes to remote repo.) I know about publishing, but it
seems like overkill for a single org file.

I looked at the documentation, found hooks, and read source code, but
could not find the solution. The hooks in org-export-html-final-hook
seem to be run before the file is saved. I found no applicable hooks in

While I am at it, is there a way to set a default export type (html), or
do I have to bind a new key or rebind C-c C-e?

Thanks in advance - again.


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