Hi David,

da...@belohrad.ch writes:

> Dear All,
> could someone help me with following problem?
> - have multiple org files, where I tag by names, e.g. @Erik
> - I want to construct a timeline of all items having this tag through
>   all the org files (as @Erik can be dispersed everywhere)
> Example:
> I use tag @Erik to note at which times my son has school holidays. Hence
> one such entry would be e.g.:
> ** TODO erik autumn holidays                                        :@Erik:
>    :ID:       26f5503f-3db6-481a-b384-395625e39333
>    :END:
> <2013-10-17 Thu>--<2013-10-27 Sun>
> there are many entries like this. Now, my wife asks me: I wonder when
> Erik has holidays.
> I enter org-agenda, press 'm', type @Erik and voila - I get list of his
> holidays (and other stuff). 
> Trouble is, that this list does not show it in timeline, but only
> headings without these dates. Hence to get each datum I have to _open_
> the item, which is not desired. 
> Any hint how to solve it?

This is how I do something similar.  Essentially you treat an
event/appointment differently to a task (TODO) and store it in the diary
file (with the help of a capture template) so it looks like this:

* 2013
** 2013-05-30 Thursday
**** Might go fishing                                            :event:
<2013-06-22 Sat>--<2013-06-23 Sun> [2013-05-30 Thu 23:57]

and in the init file you have this:

;; not sure which of these are necessary:
(setq org-agenda-include-diary t)
(setq org-agenda-diary-file "~/org/org/diary.org")

;; so any time strings in the heading are shown in the agenda
(setq org-agenda-insert-diary-extract-time t)

(setq org-capture-templates (quote (
            ("a" "  - Appointment (compulsory)" entry
             (file+datetree (concat org-directory "/diary.org")) "* %? 
:appt:\n%^T %U %a")
            ("e" "  - Event (optional)" entry
             (file+datetree (concat org-directory "/diary.org")) "* %? 
:event:\n%^T %U %a"))))

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      (quote (("v" "Events" agenda ""
               ((org-agenda-span 28)
                (org-agenda-files '((concat org-directory "/diary.org")))))

If your diary.org has at the top:

#+FILETAGS: diary

Then a C-a v gives you:

Wednesday  19 June 2013
Thursday   20 June 2013
Friday     21 June 2013
  Diary:       6:03...... Summer Solstice (BST)
Saturday   22 June 2013
  diary:      (1/2):  Might go fishing                       :diary::event:
Sunday     23 June 2013
  diary:      (2/2):  Might go fishing                       :diary::event:
Monday     24 June 2013 W26
Tuesday    25 June 2013
Wednesday  26 June 2013


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