Hey guys,

I love orgmode and I've been using it for many years. I know there are wiki
extensions for it and other extensions for emacs, but I've never found
something as easy and straightforwards as WikiDPad. Wikidpad is a real-time
wiki. It's really cool (http://wikidpad.sourceforge.net/).

What I'm looking for is an extension that could automatically link
camecased words in org files, and create its respective file in a specific
directory, if the file does not exist. I know it wouldn't be too difficult
to implement, but I'd like to check here first before trying to come up
with a solution myself.

The rationale is that it's a really great way to keep reference data, and
since it's in real time, you don't need to export to a format like HTML to
view it. It's just so convenient when brainstorming or for keeping notes.



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