
"Fabrice Niessen" wrote:
> Due to a friend's request, I've tried to offer AUCTeX key bindings
> within Org documents via a minor mode, called "org-auctex-keys".
> If you're interested, check it out at
> https://github.com/fniessen/org-auctex-key-bindings.
> Note that I'm willing to add extra AUCTeX keys -- but I don't use
> AUCTeX enough to know what's important to transfer to Org.

I've updated `org-auctex-keys' in the following way:

- `C-c C-c' runs a menu which looks a lot like AUCTeX's menu: pressing once the
  key binding calls the export process (that is, generates a PDF file);
  pressing a second time will display it (if available).

  Extra optimization: if the PDF files is newer than the Org file, then
  pressing `C-c C-c' will display it (avoiding to redo it).

- As there are a lot of conflicts between Org and AUCTeX keys, you now can call
  the standard Org command by prefixing the key binding with a `C-u' argument.
  Note that the first `C-u' is not passed onto the standard command.

  For example,

  + C-c C-c              calls my command `org-auckeys-export-dispatch'
  + C-u C-c C-c          calls the original `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' with no `C-u' 
arg (= 1)
  + C-u C-u C-c C-c      calls the original `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' with 1 `C-u' 
arg (= 4)
  + C-u C-u C-u C-c C-c  calls the original `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c' with 2 `C-u' 
arg (= 16)
  + etc. (provided it makes sense)

- I've added a key binding to turn off/on "Org AUCKeys": `C-+'.

  So, to call a standard Org command, you can as well disable
  `org-auctex-keys', pressing the key binding you know in standard Org, and
  re-enable `org-auctex-keys', that is:

    C-+ C-c C-c C-+

  to call `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c'.

Fabrice Niessen

Fabrice Niessen
Leuven, Belgium

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