Tor Eriksson wrote:
> In fact, now I can not get the snippet to pick up *any *new .org file in
> the directory .../important-directory or subdiretory! Even when the new
> .org file sits adjacent to a file that is picked up by the snippet.
> Also, if I do the same procedure again to another file that is picked up by
> the snippet by: changing the name of the file, updating agenda with g and
> pressing Abort. Then this file is also not picked up any more; not under
> the new name or, if I change the name back, under it's old name.
> This is causing serious trouble to me, since I use this system to keep
> track of deadlines that are really important.
> Does anybody have any ideas?

Check you don't have a "customize-variables" section at the end of your .emacs

If you once did `[' or `]' or some such to add one Org file, Org adds a line in
your .emacs file. And that one will override your settings!!

Really hard to find, if we don't think at such...

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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