** John Hendy [2013-11-02 16:31:02 -0500]:

> I'm trying to following along with the example here:
> - 
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-LaTeX.html#sec-4-3

> I don't need dual export, so I tried this instead for straight html
> compatible output:

> #+header: :file tree.svg
> #+header: :imagemagick
> #+begin_src latex
>   \usetikzlibrary{trees}
>   \begin{tikzpicture}
>     \node [circle, draw, fill=red!20] at (0,0) {1}
>     child { node [circle, draw, fill=blue!30] {2}
>       child { node [circle, draw, fill=green!30] {3} }
>       child { node [circle, draw, fill=yellow!30] {4} }};
>   \end{tikzpicture}
> #+end_src

> Should this work? I get this error:

> org-babel-execute:latex: Can not create svg files, please specify a
> .png or .pdf file or try the :imagemagick header argument

> In perusing another thread, it looks like the argument might be
> =:imagemagic yes=?
> - http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-02/msg01302.html

> When I do that and run the above, I get a 30.9mb file as the .svg
> output. Surely I'm doing something incorrectly?

I don't know details how latex fragments are translated into SVG but
there is good tool for this: dvisvgm. It is provided by TeX Live though
it works only on DVI files.

> Just pulled this morning before executing:

> Org-mode version 8.2.1 (release_8.2.1-163-ge7397d @
> /home/jwhendy/.elisp/org.git/lisp/)

> Thanks for any suggestions!
> John

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

Some performers on television appear to be horrible people, but when
you finally get to know them in person, they turn out to be even worse.
                -- Avery

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