
On 11/27/2013 06:15 PM, Christopher W. Ryan wrote:
> Below is what I have in a subtree that I export to pdf.  It does what I
> want. But isn't there a way to do it entirely with setting tree
> PROPERTIES? (without use of #+LATEX_HEADER or #+OPTIONS)  I seem to
> recall there is, but for the life of me I can't find the link to the
> documentation I thought I had saved.
> Thanks.
> ** Changes adopted at CSE committee meeting [2013-11-25 Mon]
> :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ThomasWileyCloseOf-11-25-2013
> :EXPORT_TITLE: Thomas Wiley as Adopted by CSE Committee 25 November 2013
> :END:
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}
> #+OPTIONS: toc:nil

The answer is the same Nicolas sent me yesterday on a different question
("derived exporter EXPORT_... options"):

You can use

** Changes adopted at CSE committee meeting [2013-11-25 Mon]
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ThomasWileyCloseOf-11-25-2013
:EXPORT_TITLE: Thomas Wiley as Adopted by CSE Committee 25 November 2013
:EXPORT_LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}

Best regards,

Robert Klein
UNIX Operations, Max Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Ackermannweg 10
55218 Mainz

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