On 11/27/2013 04:46 PM, Russell L. Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to bring up a simple mathjax example.  Org-mode is git
> current and otherwise works fine.  MathJax is git current and lives in
> /opt/mathjax/git/MathJax.js.  Both firefox 26 and chromium 31 display
> the MathJax tests perfectly from my org->html test directory.
> I've copied the example code from the org manual into a file
> containing:
> --cut-here----cut-here----cut-here----cut-here----cut-here--
> #+HTML_MATHJAX: align:"left" mathml:t path:"/opt/mathjax/git/MathJax.js"
> #+options: latex:verbatim

I took another look at this, and the fix (for me) was trivial.  It
turns out that removing the "mathml:t" property from the example
HTML_MATHJAX line provided in the org-manual section 12.6.8 solves the
problem.  Hopefully this can save other MathJax noobs the time it took
me to wade through ox-html.el and puzzle over the :MMLYES/:MMLNO lines
in there.

Anyway, I can now complete my transition from generating PDFs to
generating HTML and that makes me very happy.


> \begin{equation}
> x=\sqrt{b}
> \end{equation}
> If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be
> either $$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].
> --cut-here----cut-here----cut-here----cut-here----cut-here--
> I exported per the instructions using org-export-to-html.  The
> exported html file has lots of good stuff suggesting that the export
> seems to be working.  But both firefox and chrome display the math
> bits replaced by [Math Processing Error].  Does anyone have an idea
> what I am doing wrong?
> The actual exported <body> is (stuff before elided):
> <body>
> <div id="content">
> <h1 class="title">json</h1>
> \begin{equation}
> x=\sqrt{b}
> \end{equation}
> <p>
> If \(a^2=b\) and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be
> either $$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].
> </p>
> </div>
> <div id="postamble" class="status">
> <p class="author">Author: Russell L. Carter</p>
> <p class="date">Created: 2013-11-27 Wed 16:17</p>
> <p class="creator"><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/";>Emacs</a> 
> 24.3.1
> (<a href="http://orgmode.org";>Org</a> mode 8.2.3c)</p>
> <p class="validation"><a
> href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer";>Validate</a></p>
> </div>
> </body>
> Thanks!
> Russell

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