Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> This should work in a recent Emacs.
>     (require 'json)
>     (defun org-as-json-to-file (&optional path)
>       "Export the current Org-mode buffer as JSON to the supplied PATH."
>       (interactive "Fwrite to file: ")
>       (let ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer)))
>         (org-element-map tree
>             (append org-element-all-objects org-element-all-elements)
>           (lambda (el) (org-element-put-property el :parent nil)))
>         (with-temp-file path
>           (insert (json-encode tree)))))

Thanks.  With this, Nicolas's and all the other input I've got something
working now.  There was still one small issue I found with this last
round.  The :structure property also causes an error inside json.el

  json-encode-key: Bad JSON object key: 105

But, for now, nulling :structure in the same way as :parent let's me
chain org->JSON->Python!  The first elisp code block in the test doc
below works.

Thanks for all the patient help from everyone.  I've learned a lot.


#+TITLE: The Title.
Blah blah blah.
* A heading.
This uses http://edward.oconnor.cx/2006/03/json.el
 - foo
 - bar
 - baz
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (let* ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer 'object nil)))
    (org-element-map tree (append org-element-all-elements
    org-element-all-objects '(plain-text))
      (lambda (x) 
        (if (org-element-property :parent x)
            (org-element-put-property x :parent "none"))
        (if (org-element-property :structure x)
            (org-element-put-property x :structure "none"))
        ;; (if (eq (org-element-type x) 'plain-text)
        ;;     (org-element-set-contents x (substring-no-properties 
        ;;                                  (org-element-contents x))))
     (json-encode tree) 
     ;(prin1-to-string tree)
      nil "foo.dat"))


* From Eric Schultz
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (defun org-as-json-to-file (&optional path)
    "Export the current Org-mode buffer as JSON to the supplied PATH."
    (interactive "Fwrite to file: ")
    (let ((tree (org-element-parse-buffer)))
      (org-element-map tree
          (append org-element-all-objects org-element-all-elements)
        (lambda (el) (org-element-put-property el :parent "none")))
      (with-temp-file path
        (insert (json-encode tree)))))
  (org-as-json-to-file "eric.txt")

* Try some hand written data
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
  (require 'json)
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "foo.dat")
    (let ((tree (read (current-buffer))))
      (prin1-to-string (json-encode tree))))


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