Aloha all,

Impressed by the many problems described on the ML that are caused by a
setting in .emacs, I've slowly been working to make my configuration
buffer local, using source code blocks stored in my local library of
babel or placed in a noexport section of the Org mode file and then
evaluated in the local variables section at the bottom of the file.  So
far, I like this approach.

This led me to try to incorporate some of the file-specific setup steps
into the local variables as well.  For instance, in a file where I'm
working with Common Lisp source code blocks and a graph library, I have

  # eval: (slime)
  # eval: (org-sbe "graph-setup")

My goal is to open the Org mode file and find that everything is ready
for me to work.

What I've found is that the graph-setup doesn't have any effect on the
Common Lisp environment when run this way. It works fine if, after slime
is up and running, I go to the graph-setup source code block and
evaluate it with C-c C-c.

I'm guessing that I might be running into a concurrency problem here,
such that the local variable evaluation of graph-setup is taking place
before slime has finished setting itself up (which takes many seconds on
my machine).

I am well beyond my programming abilities here and would like to have
opinions on whether this approach is potentially workable and, if so,
how it might be implemented.

All the best,

T.S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists
735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884

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