Just helped a friend to install and upgrade to latest org.
Method summary:
$ git clone
$ make update
combined with setup of load-paths

Ended with: ox-odt cannot find factory style files

I remember that I too had this problem
and it had recently disappeared.

Checked that it comes back it I use emacs23; goes away if I use emacs24
Checked that the messages when it works in emacs24 are like thus:

Debug (ox-odt): Searching for OpenDocument styles files...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/etc/org/styles/... [2 times]
Debug (ox-odt): Trying ~/pdsw/etc/styles/...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying ~/pdsw/org-mode/lisp/etc/styles/...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/24.3/etc/org/...
Debug (ox-odt): Using styles under /usr/share/emacs/24.3/etc/org/
Debug (ox-odt): Searching for OpenDocument schema files...
Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/etc/org/schema/... [2 times]
Debug (ox-odt): No OpenDocument schema files installed

So evidently my 'working' odt export is working because its using the
builtin emacs odt exporter and not the latest one

Looking at org-odt-* stuff I see almost a dozen files and directories
and file lists and what not.

All attempts so far at doing
         (setq org-odt-styles-dir "~/pdsw/org-mode/etc/styles")
in various places, hooks etc have not changed the fact that it gets
the builtin one

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