Erik Hetzner <> writes:

> At Mon, 20 Jan 2014 02:54:08 -0500,
> regcl wrote:
>> 3) How do I get references into MS word?
> Hi George,
> For question 3, you might have a look at pandoc
> (, which can convert from markdown
> to docx (MS Word) with citation support. You might find it simpler to
> export from org-mode to markdown and use pandoc to produce your docx
> files, thus saving some steps above.
> best, Erik

Hi Erik, Thank you for the suggestion.  

WRT this approach, I see that Rick Frankel has said ...

> From:  Rick Frankel
> Subject:       Re: [O] Org Table Export to Markdown Table Question
> Date:  Thu, 09 Jan 2014 11:58:37 -0500
> > On 2014-01-08 15:41, Aric wrote:
> > I am trying to use org-mode now with R code in it to write
> > manuscripts. That does unfortunately mean that it must be eventually
> > exported to some doc format. I have been able to export to markdown and
> > everything looks good in markdown (even previewed on github) with the
> > exception of latex code which is not converted. However, using pandoc to
> > convert the markdown to docx, the tables are not converted properly (all
> > a single column).
> I'm not sure why you are using markdown as an intermediate file
> format. Org will export to latex, pdf (via latex) and openoffice odt
> (which can be exported from open/libre office to doc/docx.).
> Both the above exporters are much more mature that the markdown
> exporter.
> rick

... which makes me wonder... Has anyone out there tried this for a
journal manuscript with figures, tables, and citations?

If I want go with pandoc, would I be ahead to do ...

org > latex > pandoc > docx ?

Thanks, George

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