
Michel Kuhlmann <mic...@kuhlmanns.info> writes:

> I often convert files with `pandoc`. Currently there is no
> pandoc-org-mode-reader, so I'm using markdown as an intermediate step.
> I'm aware of <https://github.com/robtillotson/org-pandoc.git>; this
> also uses `ox-md`, so the issue applies also there.
> I found these issues inconvenient:
> - Listings create blank-lines in between
>     + Currently
>                         - uno
>        - uno
>        - dos    ->      - dos
>        - tres
>                         - tres
>     + Desired
>        - uno            - uno
>        - dos    ->      - dos
>        - tres           - tres

I am aware of this. A patch should land in maint very soon.

> - Formulas are getting surrounded by \(  \); 
>     + Currently
>         $Q_{max}$  -> \(Q_{max}\)
>     + Desired
>         $Q_{max}$  -> $Q_{max}$
> - customisable meta-data export (currently nothing exported) of, say,
>     #+TITLE: myTitle
>     #+KEYWORDS: cat1 cat2
>     #+AUTHOR: meMyself
>     #+DATE : 2014-01-21
>     #+OPTIONS: toc:t
>     + Desired
>         * meta-yaml-block
>             ---
>             title:  myTitle
>             author: meMyself
>             catgories: cat1 cat2
>             date: 2014-01-21
>             toc: toc:t
>             ...
>         * pandoc header
>             % myTitle
>             % meMyself
>             % 2014-01-21

The goal of ox-md.el is to provide vanilla Mardown, so anyone can derive
a more specialized back-end out of it. Formulas (handled by ox-html) and
meta-data export do not belong to the vanilla flavour.


Nicolas Goaziou

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